Greenpanel MR Blockboard is a premium quality board with high moisture-resistant properties. Face veneer, core veneer and wooden battens in blockboard are well selected and treated with preservatives against termites and borers. The wooden battens are thoroughly seasoned in scientifically run seasoning kiln plants
and then cut with great precision to obtain uniform thickness. Double layered cross bands on top and bottom make the board stiff and warp-free. The long wood battens are systematically arranged and utmost care is taken to avoid any extra gap between the battens. Regular tests are conducted to maintain the quality of block boards as per the standards of IS 1659: 2004.
Our combined production capacity of 5.4 lakh cubic meter per annum (from our manufacturing plants in Andhra Pradesh and Uttarakhand), makes us the largest wood panel manufacturer in India and the most sought-after.